Circular of the MIUR of 29/09/2021: "initiatives of schools and teaching staff, in the context of measures to combat the spread of visus Sars Cov 2, aimed at knowing the vaccination status of students and their families

Circular of the MIUR of 29/09/2021: "initiatives of schools and teaching staff, in the context of measures to combat the spread of visus Sars Cov 2, aimed at knowing the vaccination status of students and their families

Recently we had produced an action aimed at stopping a custom that was spreading in almost all Italian schools, the one that saw professors who improperly collected information on the vaccination status, specific on the SarsCov2 vaccine, of the pupils. After our action, which you can read , here, a note from the Miur also ensued that clarified the point, however late clarity since it was obvious that it would happen and they knew very well that it would happen.

We quote the important part, leaving the PDF available:

"In this context, therefore, the legitimacy of any initiative aimed at acquiring information relating to the vaccination status of students of educational institutions and their families is excluded and each regional school office will adopt the appropriate initiatives aimed at avoiding the use of practices that do not comply with the law by the aforementioned school staff, also in order to prevent any discriminatory effects for those who cannot or do not intend to undergo vaccination, with obvious consequences on the educational level and on social life. "

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