
Amazing APDB report in Gardasil 9 sample

Amazing APDB report in Gardasil 9 sample

The "Gardasil 9" papilloma virus vaccine gave us the opportunity to find many non-conformities.

The chemical analyzes, shocking for the number of potential contaminants, left a huge question mark: 78% of unknown chemical signals. The analysis carried out with the instrumentation used in the laboratories identified by us, in fact, gave us 338 signals of which only 22% are known.

From the study of this 78% unknown, further investigation started and, after repeated analyzes carried out in two different laboratories and with two different instruments (so-called interlab), we can now tell you that a signal we found leads us to determine that in at least one batch of Gardasil 9, there is a contamination that appears to correspond to an amazing drug called "APDB". This substance is in the classes of phenethylamines and amphetamines.

For the current standards in force, our laboratories could not purchase the certified analytical standard of the APBD amphetamine: being an amazing drug, it cannot be acquired by subjects without a specific authorization, therefore we cannot have the absolute certainty that the signal is precisely the amphetamine "APDB", however we can say that the belonging class is that, that is, of an illegal substance whose presence is absolutely prohibited ... The correspondence of the fragmentation spectra in multiple databases with this molecule gives us however a very high degree of probability.

For this reason, before disclosing this report, we filed a report to the Carabinieri Command for the Protection of Health (Nas), so that they can verify our results with the certified analytical standard (which obviously they, unlike a private individual, can obtain and use or provide us with the necessary authorization), and in the next few days we will also update the "original" complaint already filed in August 2018 at the Public Prosecutor's Office of Rome.

As always, the report we attach to you is rather "technical". What we are doing is, as always, keeping the population concerned and all those who follow this project up to date, on any noteworthy development. Obviously we will take care of following the possible course of the investigations, for what will be allowed by the competent Authorities.

Download: CORVELVA-Report-amazing-APDB-in-sample-Gardasil9.pdf

IMPORTANT NOTE: Corvelva invites you to get in-depth information by reading all the sections and links, as well as the manufacturer's product leaflets and technical data sheets, and to speak with one or more trusted professionals before deciding to vaccinate yourself or your child. This information is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice.


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