The Court's ruling confirms that Gardasil's vaccine kills people ... scientific evidence beyond doubt ... so where's the hype?

The Court's ruling confirms that Gardasil's vaccine kills people ... scientific evidence beyond doubt ... so where's the hype?

The Tarsell family has fought the United States government for eight long years for validate the medical burden of proof that Gardasil's vaccine killed their daughter. Christina Richelle, 21, "died of an autoimmune response-induced arrhythmia" in Gardasil, an HPV vaccine she received only a few days before her death.

The final ruling was confirmed by the Department of Health and Human Services: Merck's Gardasil vaccine it causes autoimmune problems that cause sudden debilitation and / or death. If the girl had been killed by a madman with a rifle, then there would have been headlines on all national newspapers and a march on Washington. Since this young woman was "hit" to death by a vaccine, the whole story is hidden.

To date it is believed that the Gardasil vaccine is responsible for the death of 271 young women and over 57.520 adverse event reports obtained from the vaccine adverse event reporting system (VERS).

The case of Tarsell was initially taken by the Corte dei Vaccini, which is an indemnity system set up to compensate families for who suffer vaccine damage. Vaccine manufacturers pay an excise duty on this system for every vaccine they sell. This money is used to pay damages to families who can prove that they have been damaged by a vaccine. This system protects vaccine manufacturers from being sued in a real court, ensuring that vaccines continue to be manufactured for the "good of all".

The story of Christina Tarsell

Ciao. Mi chiamo Christina Richelle Tarsell, ma la gente mi chiama Chris. Ho festeggiato il mio 21° compleanno nel novembre 2007. Non sono vissuta per vedere il mio 22esimo.

Improvvisamente e inspiegabilmente sono morta nel mio letto nel giugno 2008. Un rapporto dell'autopsia diceva che la causa della mia morte era indeterminata. La mia famiglia voleva sapere cosa mi era successo e ha incaricato l'avvocato Mark Sadaka che ha condotto un'indagine approfondita. Esperti di livello mondiale in immunologia, il dottor Yehuda Shoenfeld e cardiologia ed elettrofisiologia e il Dr. Michael Eldar hanno determinato che sono morta per aritmia indotta da una risposta autoimmune al vaccino contro l'HPV Gardasil, vaccino ricevuto solo pochi giorni prima della mia morte.

Incredibilmente, per legge, i produttori di vaccini come Merck non possono essere ritenuti responsabili per i danni o le morti causate dai loro vaccini. L'unica risorsa che la mia famiglia aveva era di presentare un reclamo contro il Segretario della Salute e dei Servizi Umani per renderli responsabili.

Dopo 8 lunghi anni, il governo alla fine ha ammesso che abbiamo incontrato il nostro onere della prova che Gardasil ha causato la mia morte.

Questo mio caso può creare un precedente. Sono profondamente grata a tutti coloro che, guidati dalla verità e da una coscienza superiore, non lasceranno la mia morte liquidata come una "coincidenza".
Ecco i link alla sentenza del giudice Coster Williams e la sentenza rivista dal "Special Master".

In the case, Judge Williams awarded a victory to the Tarsells:

"The petitioner's motion for review is GRANTED. The Master Special's decision denying compensation is VACATED, and the case is REMOVED to the Special Master for further proceedings consistent with this decision ..."

And in clarifying the sentence, Special Master Christian J. Morgan remarked:

"The opinion and order of the Court required further consideration consistent with the legal principles articulated by the Court for the analysis of the evidence in this tragic case on a woman, Christina Tarsell, who died too young. Under the approach dictated by the Court, Ms. Tarsell is entitled to compensation. The parties should anticipate that a separate damage order will be issued shortly. Under the Vaccine Rule 28.1 (a), the Cabinet Office is mandated to notify the Court of this ruling. "

This ruling should be important public news and people should know that this vaccine is causing so much injury, harm and even death.


  1. ActivistPost. com
  2. Law.

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