The study: the impact of Pfas on female hormones impairs fertility

The study: the impact of Pfas on female hormones impairs fertility

To support it is the research group of the University of Padua coordinated by prof. Carlo Foresta

Female reproductive diseases - for example alterations of the menstrual cycle, endometriosis and miscarriages, born pre-term and underweight - can be related to the action of perfluoroalkyl substances (Pfas) on the hormonal function of progesterone, a female hormone that acts at the uterus level . This was supported by the research group of the University of Padua coordinated by Carlo Foresta, with Andrea Di Nisio and Manuela Rocca, who assessed the effect of Pfas on the action of progesterone.

The action of the Pfas
In vitro endometrial cell analysis has shown that Pfas visibly interfere with the regulation of genes expressed at the endometrium level; out of more than 20.000 genes analyzed, progesterone normally activates almost 300, but research has found that 127 are altered in the presence of Pfas, including those that prepare the uterus for the embryo to take root and therefore for fertility.

Pfas also interfere with testosterone
A year ago, the same research team had identified the mechanism by which Pfas alter both the development of the urogenital system and fertility in men, interfering with testosterone activity. "At this point - comments Prof. Foresta - the understanding of an important interference of Pfas on the male and female endocrine-reproductive system and on the development of the embryo, fetus and births, suggests the urgent need for research to intervene on the mechanisms of elimination of these substances from the body, especially in subjects that fall into the categories at risk ". (Source Ansa)



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