
Je suis Stop Nop

Je suis Stop Nop

Justyna Socha is the President of the Polish Association STOP NOP with whom we have been cooperating for 3 years in a more than active way. 

Justyna, as president of her association, has been brought to trial on charges of having promoted a popular petition against the presence of pharmaceutical companies in the Polish public administration. Today she was sentenced for slander.

He started the petition asking the people responsible for vaccinations to reveal their connections with the pharmaceutical industries, a question that is more than obvious for us in Italy.

He will appeal to the European Court and will have all our future support because freedom of speech is at stake, especially on such a sensitive issue. But even more will have our practical support today through the payment of almost 50% of the penalty.

Corvelva today made a donation to the Stop Nop association of 1000 euros. It must be clear, whoever is punished for what is clear to everyone, will always have the mutual support of a network of parents spread all over the world. Nobody will be left alone in this battle, certainly not Stop Nop who is fighting tenaciously a vaccine obligation that is unimaginable for us.


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