
Poster for the school

Poster for the school
Thousands of educators, teachers and citizens gathered in the La Scuola Che Accoglie movement have signed a Manifesto for the School, inviting groups, associations and committees to join the initiative.
Poster for the school
School is ... Life, our future, looking into each other's eyes, breathing deeply, making peace by holding hands, the tender caress of the teacher, being close, working in a group on a common project, a mosaic of palpable emotions, welcoming everyone, daydreaming, handwriting, a real experience, building the future by growing together.
We are: citizens, parents, students, pupils, children, pedagogists, psychologists, educators, teachers, school managers, university professors.
From the ashes of emergency teaching a new teaching of life and human relations will be born.
We have a duty to reopen schools as soon as possible and to courageously defend them from the distancing of children and young people and from the abuse of technologies to the detriment of human relations.
Distance learning, although useful, cannot begin to become structural by prevaricating on face-to-face teaching, the only one that can guarantee the interpersonal relationships necessary for the human and cognitive growth of students.
Digitizing schools with ultra-wide band does not represent a serious training proposal for our country. Extraordinary and courageous investments are needed to increase the spaces for education and the number of education professionals throughout the country.
The promoters of the Manifesto for the School propose to citizens to wear a sweatshirt or a T-shirt with the Manifesto until the schools reopen with their faces uncovered and without distancing.
Groups, associations and committees, if they wish to sign the manifesto, can communicate their adhesion to the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. attaching your logo.

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